Educational support

What we offer

Support for finding day-care centers and schools

  • We will do our best to assist you in finding a nursery school or day-care center that can provide foreign language support.
  • We can also ask on your behalf if the school will take your cultural circumstances into consideration.

Please let us know your concerns first, and we will see what we can do to help you depending on the details of your consultation.

Translation support for letters distributed at school

  • We can translate letters that your child receives at school and inform you of the contents of those letters.
  • There may be other ways in which we can help parents as well. It is said that children get used to Japanese society and the Japanese language more quickly than their parents, causing differences in perception between parents and children in terms of their attitudes toward further education and study. We believe that it is in the best interest of the child if we attend to the concerns of the parents.

Assistance with children’s homework and studies

If you come to Akabane Base, our staff will be there for your child and provide support for homework and study.

  • Support for academic and career counseling
  • We assist students in gathering information regarding post-secondary education and employment opportunities.

Information on Educational Assistance

About the Japanese Educational System

The current Japanese education system is known as the “6-3-3-4 system,” which consists of 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of junior high school, 3 years of high school, and 4 years of college. 9 years of elementary and junior high school education is compulsory.

Enrollment in Public Elementary and Junior High Schools

①If you wish to enroll your child in a public elementary or junior high school, please inform the municipality in which you live of your intention to enroll your child in a Japanese public school.
②Please take the “School Entrance Permission for Foreign Children” and other documents received from the municipality to the assigned school.
※In addition to elementary and junior high schools, there are also compulsory education schools in Japan that provide 9 years of integrated compulsory education, and Schools for Special Needs Education where children with disabilities can attend.

About High School

  • High school is a school for those who have graduated from junior high school and is not compulsory education. In order to enroll, students must take an entrance examination.
  • Depending on the type of education, there are full-time, part-time, and correspondence courses.

About Higher Education Institutions (Universities)

  • Graduates of high schools, secondary schools, or designated foreign schools in Japan are eligible for admission to (1) universities, (2) professional universities, (3) junior colleges, (4) professional junior colleges, and (5) vocational schools.
  • Those who have (1) International Baccalaureate, (2) Abitur, (3) Baccalaureate, or (4) GCE A level are also eligible for admission to the above schools.
  • Graduates of (1) WASC, (2) CIS, (3) ACSI, or (4) NEASC accredited institutions (12-year curriculum) are eligible for admission to the above schools.

Entrance Examinations for Higher Education Institutions

  • In order to enroll in higher education institutions, students must take an examination and pass a document screening conducted by each institution.
  • Some institutions have special admission procedures for non-Japanese students.
  • For international students, the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) administered by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) is used by many universities and other institutions as a reference for special screening.

Financial support for educational expenses

Financial Assistance

  • The subsidy covers a portion of the cost of school supplies necessary for your child to study at school (uniforms, school backpacks, stationery) and school lunches.
  • This program is eligible for parents with children in elementary or junior high school who live in low-income households.
  • Eligibility conditions and amounts vary depending on the municipality in which you live. Please inquire at your local municipal office.

High School Tuition Support Fund

  • Households whose parents’ annual income is less than approximately 9.1 million yen are eligible to receive money to cover high school tuition.
  • Students attending public high schools are eligible to receive the same amount as their tuition.
  • For students attending private high schools, the amount of the allowance depends on the income of their parents or guardians.
  • Application is required to receive the financial support, and details will be provided by the school.
  • For more details, please refer to this document (English version).

High School Supplemental Scholarship Fund

  • Parents of high school students from low-income households are eligible to receive money to cover expenses other than tuition, such as textbooks and school supplies.
  • The amount of money depends on factors such as the type of school the student attends.
  • You must apply in order to receive this scholarship fund. For details, please contact the school or municipal office of your residence.

Useful Websites

When you want to review your schoolwork

一般財団法人LINEみらい財団、学研ホールディングス、公共財団法人日本数学検定協会 「LINE 学習支援公式アカウント」
Free lesson videos and exercises in 5 subjects (Japanese, Math, Science, Social Studies, and English) are available for preschoolers, elementary school students, junior high school students, and high school students.
Students may find these videos helpful when they are having trouble understanding their schoolwork.

When you want to know about Japanese elementary schools and their rules

かすたねっと (文部科学省) 「外国人児童・保護者向け動画一覧・関連資料」
These videos explain about school life and the rules of Japanese elementary schools.
They are available in English, Chinese, Indonesian, Myanmar, and other languages.